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Why You Need To Implement A Shred-All Policy For Your Business

Thursday, May 10th, 2018

UCI Shredding | Why your business should have a shred-all policy

In today’s world, it is necessary to shred sensitive material. Any document with confidential information must be destroyed to stay out of the hands of criminals. The question is how to determine which papers to destroy and how to shred them? The best solution is to implement a shred-all policy.

Why shred-all policies are important

Even if you don’t think a piece of information is important, just throwing it into the garbage could cause serious repercussions. You may not realize the information is sensitive to a customer and end up compromising their privacy. There may also be information on documents that give away secrets concerning business practices.

If you implement a shred-all policy, this mishap cannot happen. You are taking a necessary step to strengthen your security by simply reducing the risk of information getting into the wrong hands.

What is a shred-all policy?

A shred-all policy is shredding all documents as soon as you are finished with them. Without going through a determination process by yourself or your employees, merely destroy everything. This policy makes it easier for everyone at the job site as there is never a question regarding whether or not to shred.

Security in a shred-all policy

When you store sensitive information, you run the risk of it getting misplaced. Should documents reach the wrong hands that contain material not intended to be seen by those outside of your business, you could face costly consequences of a breach. Shredding all papers dramatically reduces or eliminates the risk of a disaster.

Shred-all policies comply with the law

There are laws in place to protect one’s privacy under HIPAA and FACTA. These laws will not consider violations to be accidents under their guidelines. Steep fines are applied to anyone breaching another’s privacy so implementing a shred-all policy will protect you from accidental mishaps.

A shred-all policy is a simple plan

The most important benefit from a shred-all policy is the strengthening of your security. Another advantage is how simple the plan is to put in place. Your employees, or you, no longer have to decide on what to do with documents that will no longer be needed. Shredding all instead of selecting what to destroy makes everyone’s job easier and your business safer.

How to put a shred-all policy in place

Begin by placing collection bins throughout your business labeled as a shredding container. These containers should be locked with a small insertion area for employees to slip paper through. The recommended shredding procedures are to hire a service that has been certified to handle sensitive material.

Educate your employees on the importance of using this new policy. Remind them that even material they feel does not require shredding should still be placed in the container. You may want to monitor this plan to ensure no documents are going into regular trash. Performing an internal audit will help you identify any potential security risks.

UCI Document Destruction is your answer for reliable and safe shredding services. Give us a call today (806) 372-7722 and discover the many services we provide throughout the Texas Panhandle. We are located at 1000 S. Adams St. in Amarillo, or 2034 82nd St. #101 in Lubbock, Texas. You can also Contact Us by email if you have questions regarding document shredding or destruction of your sensitive data items. We are ready to help you keep your business in compliance and show you a more cost-effective method to performing your shredding.