Many companies assume that the most secure method for shredding and disposing of sensitive documents is to do the work in-house. For many companies, investing in a personal shredder is not feasible. Even if they have the money for it, they often don’t have the time or resources to get rid of the shredded remains properly. A small team of employees can devote hours each week just trying to meet the normal shredding demand.
When you hire a service like UCI, which provides on-site shredding, you sleep better at night knowing that the whole job is done right at your office in a timely, professional manner. We offer document shredding in Amarillo and Lubbock, Texas.
Make sure that the service that you are working with takes the remains to a recycling center in a secure fashion. You don’t want to pay for shredding services only to find that the remains still end up unsecured in a dumpster or landfill.
UCI also offers on-site and mobile paper shredding in its Document Destruction Truck.