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What Is Paper Shredding and How Does It Affect My Business?

Monday, June 16th, 2014

usuing a reputable document shredding service

You may not think much about it when you make a cash withdrawal at an ATM machine, take the cash, crumple the receipt and toss it in the bin. Perhaps you do the same when you make a purchase at a store and pay by card. Yet someone may be lurking in the shadows just waiting to see the pin you key in at the ATM machine and to collect that little piece of paper you threw away without second thought. These are fraudsters who carry out identity theft which they do to rob people and businesses electronically. When you think about how much paperwork with such confidential details is just generated in a business in just a day, the importance of shredding such papers becomes clear. UCI Mobile Paper Shredding services offer this crucial service.

Claims And Losses

Clients expect that the businesses they buy from have in place measures to protect them from such incidents. While a customer cannot make a claim for losses or damages incurred as a result of their details being accessed from transactions they got into with a business, they can file a complaint about the practices of the company. If this happens, the Government bodies that are mandated to enforce such regulations can file a suit against the company for non-compliance of consumer protection information regulations.

No Confidence, No Customers

Apart from financial damages that can be incurred in form of fines from such lawsuits, there will inevitably be loss of reputation. This is because consumers would keep away for fear of their details being compromised. Such an incident can bring down even a well established business and if it does manage to recover, it will be after a long time.

We Come To You

That is how important paper shredding is and how serious the consequences of failing to get it done by a professional company can be. UCI Mobile Paper Shredding services means that they provide self locking bins to clients and then visit the premises at scheduled times to shred the papers. The papers only have to be thrown into the boxes, with pins, staples and all and they are destroyed completely in a very short time.

Be Safe And Be Sure

With UCI Mobile Paper Shredding, a business can be sure that their confidential documents are in the very capable hands of a shredding company that has a stellar reputation for efficiency and trustworthiness.