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Monday, February 8th, 2021
office shredding services

Many companies carry files that contain sensitive information about their business or a clients information. It is important that these companies keep these files confidential and discard them in the proper way. Below we will tell you what a shred all policy is and why having a shred all policy is vital for your company.

Wednesday, January 13th, 2021
hard drive shredding icon

What is hard drive shredding?

Hard Drive shredding is whenever you use a machine to completely destroy and alter the state of your hard drive so you physically cannot recover any information from it. Some people may choose to destroy their hard drive on their own, but this doesn’t always turn out for the best. If anything is left in a way that is able to be recovered, hackers can get into it. It is best to take it to a professional. 

Monday, December 14th, 2020
keep pharmacy records

Pharmacists are responsible for an extensive amount of record keeping, including records for patients, prescriptions, drug errors, health disclosures, and narcotic receipts. In order to comply with federal legislation, you must retain all documents for the minimum retention period before disposing of them properly.

Saturday, November 28th, 2020
Choosing the best document destruction company in the Texas Panhandle

The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) is a trade association for companies that offer information destruction services. Equipment, product, and service suppliers for destruction companies are also eligible for membership. The organization promotes the information destruction industry and the ethics and standards that its members uphold.

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

Wiping out hard drives sounds easy; with one click of the “delete” button, it’s gone. While that does seem simple, it really isn’t the best method of securely getting rid of important data.

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020
keep your documents securing by using UCI Document Destruction shredding services

Incidents of theft identity are on the rise and they are affecting not only individuals but also businesses. They are falling prey to fraudsters who are accessing their records and using them to get into their bank accounts and charge expenses to corporate credit and debit cards. Every business should take every possible precaution to guard against such incidents. Engaging the services of UCI Mobile Paper Shredding is a good place to start.

Monday, June 15th, 2020
what is the best way to do document shredding?

Almost everyone knows the importance of shredding sensitive materials and documents. Criminals have grown more efficient at stealing valuable information from documents that aren’t properly destroyed. Shredding is one of the best ways to avoid identity theft and ensure your personal information is safe.

Monday, May 18th, 2020

Many businesses begin to think about document purging during the winter, especially around the beginning of a new year. This term refers to shredding large amounts of files and documents. Organizing your files and paperwork should be done throughout the year. It can make deciding what to keep and what to shred easier. Document purging helps to protect your staff, customers and clients, and business safe from criminals and violating the law. Having a plan in place, knowing what to shred, and knowing how to shred can make document purging easier.

Thursday, March 5th, 2020
hard drive shredding

Wiping a hard drive refers to the process of erasing data from a computer by overwriting it with binary code. There is a popular myth that you must write over data multiple times to make it unrecoverable. In reality, overwriting a drive once offers the same level of protection as overwriting a drive multiple times. Wiping the hard drive is done in instances like selling a computer or disposing of it. But simply wiping the hard drive isn’t enough protection. Someone who is computer savvy enough can retrieve enough data to access your personal information (or confidential client information).

Thursday, February 6th, 2020
pile of shredded paper

In 2012, identity theft cost Americans $24.7 billion. In 2013, it cost Americans $10 billion more than all other types of property crime combined. Not only does identity theft cripple businesses from a financial perspective but it also compromises their safety. It only takes one stray scrap of paper with just the right information still legible to constitute a data breach that can compromise a sterling reputation and bring about a bevy of legal liabilities.