What To Look For In A Document Destruction Company
Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
A new individual or company falls victim to identity fraud every two seconds. As such, it is not hard to understand why document destruction is more important than ever for modern businesses. Once upon a time, it was enough to set up a cross-cutting shredder in the break room and feel assured that your company was safe. This simply isn’t the case anymore.
From service agreements to phone memos to external drives, organizations possess a host of confidential content that must be destroyed and disposed of in the proper fashion. If sensitive data falls into the wrong hands, the consequences can be staggering. By leaving your company at a high risk for identity theft, you increase the odds of compromising the business significantly. You can’t afford to take this risk. The following details are just a few of the most important components to look for in a document destruction service.
On-site Capability
One of the scariest aspects of hiring a document destruction service is wondering how their shredding process works. Do they have a safe facility? Are their procedures secure?
Ideally, hire a service that performs all shredding on-site. For example, UCI has their shredding equipment in a truck with video cameras so you can watch the shredding process in real time. As they bring the truck right to your office, you never have to worry about what happens to your data while it’s in transit.
There are many factors that contribute to the number of shredding services that a given company needs, such as the size and nature of the organization. As such, there is no one-size-fits-all document destruction package that works for every company. Look for services that offer customization options, such as multiple bin sizes and varying schedules. A quarterly schedule may be just fine for a small start-up while a monthly or even weekly schedule may be more appropriate for a mid-size business.
After your data has been destroyed, make sure the service disposes of the remains properly. If the shredded remains end up sitting in a dumpster, you’re no better off than you would have been if you stuck with your old shredder. Inquire about what the service does with the remains. It is best practice to work with a company that uses secure transportation to take the remains to a reputable recycling facility.
UCI Document Destruction
UCI offers secure document destruction services in Amarillo and Lubbock, Texas. To learn more about our document destruction and how we can meet the destruction needs of your company to keep you protected, contact us now.