Do All Businesses Need A Document Shredding Strategy?
Monday, June 16th, 2014
Technology is ever evolving and new products and methods are coming up every day for every industry and sector. For a business to stay competitive, it is necessary to embrace these changes and developments. One of them has been a turn to automated methods of carrying out transactions. These days, one can deposit and withdraw money online, make an order, pay bills, reserve and pay for travel tickets and accommodation and carry out so many other transactions virtually. When this is done, there will be an exchange of documents between a business and their clients such as receipts, order forms, invoices and other documents that carry details like names, contacts, addresses and bank and credit or debit card details. White collar criminals rely on accessing such documents to steal identities and resources. This is why UCI Document Shredding services are crucial.
It’s A Must
Every business that holds accounts with consumers through which the two carry out various transactions are mandated by law to take steps to deter identity theft and the crimes that are perpetrated when the criminals get their hands on such documents. This law requires that a business have in place a document shredding strategy depending on its activities, size, scope and other unique features.
Complete, Periodic And Proven
A good strategy will fulfill certain essentials. For one it will ensure that such sensitive documents are completely destroyed. This is why paper shredding as done by UCI Document Shredding services rather than other methods of destruction are preferred. The strategy should also ensure that the destruction is done periodically. UCI gives clients of bi-monthly, monthly or quarterly visits on clients premises to do the shredding.
The law also specifies that a business may be required to show proof that they did undertake document destruction. This can be for instance where a company is facing a lawsuit filed by a client or employee where they are being held liable for loss incurred through details intercepted from the company. UCI Document Shredding services covers their clients with a Certificate of Destruction that proves the company does have a document shredding strategy in place.
Working With The Workers
Employee awareness and cooperation are an important part of the strategy. They should be made aware of the importance of keeping sensitive documents secure. UCI Document Shredding services employees are professionals who are trained in how to do their job and the implication of slips and misses.